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This is awesome! I will use these

Print version of this planned?

Nothing planned. Would be cool but I don't really know how to go about doing so/ if there is enough intrest to warrent it. 

A follow up if you are still interested: Print (on demand) is now available


I'm running an Into the Odd based game and I'll definitely make use of this treasure trove of interesting artefacts.

What is the licensing on this? The reason I ask is because I’m interested in maybe porting some of these to a non-D&D game I’m developing and I would like to use the illustrations and descriptions. Even if it’s not open, I will be using some of these in my home games. Thanks!


Hi, glad you like them! I hadn't really considered licensing, so right now its not open. I may have a think and get back to you on it, though. 

Absolutely no worries. You do what’s best for you. Regardless, very cool document! Will get use in my personal games without question!

Well, we certainly do have a bit of good reading to do while they have time to consider their copyright.


I see a lot of content drift across my radar, but few have made me put down my beer, take off my glasses, and say “Wow” the way this did. I had initially thrown the asking price towards it to download it, and immediately came back and paid more because making this PWYW is a STEAL.

Great stuff. Really great format, really compelling magic items. Absolutely entering my prep for my next game.

Wow! thank you! blown away by those comments